Young Carers

At Belfairs Academy we are aware that pupils in our school may well have caring roles at home. We believe that all children and young people should have equal access to education, regardless of what is happening at home and that no child should have to take on inappropriate or excessive caring responsibilities. When a young person does look after someone in their family who has a serious illness, disability or substance misuse problem, they may need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school. We aim to understand the issues faced by young carers and to have a separate policy for young carers stating how we will support any pupil who helps to look after someone at home.  We aim to support young carers through a whole-school approach and through working with other agencies and professionals, with the understanding that support for the whole family is in the best interests of the young carer.

A Young Carer is a child under 18 who regularly helps to look after a family member or friend who is disabled, ill, has a mental health condition or addiction problem.

At Belfairs Academy we are aware that some of our pupils are young carers. Children may engage in:

  • Practical tasks (cooking, housework and shopping)
  • Physical care (lifting or helping someone use the stairs)
  • Personal care (dressing, washing, helping with toilet needs)
  • Managing the family budget (collecting benefits and prescriptions)
  • Managing medication
  • Looking after younger siblings
  • Helping someone communicate

Belfairs Academy can support young carers. Students can be signposted to internal and external support groups via the schools ‘Young Carers notice board’. If you, or a family member, needs support please contact Mrs Lilleker,  Young Carers School Operational Lead at the Belfairs Academy. All contact will be treated in the strictest confidence.