Equality at Belfairs Academy

Belfairs Academy welcomes people of all ages and aims to serve the whole community. The words equality and diversity are widely used but not as widely understood. Equality means ensuring that everyone is able to participate in the Academy’s activities as a student, a member of staff, governor or visitor, as appropriate, on an equal footing with their fellows, and to achieve the best possible outcomes as a result of their participation. Diversity acknowledges that there are differences between people which should be recognised, respected and celebrated. Belfairs Academy is proud of the diversity within its community and is committed to fostering an environment of mutual respect and dignity.

Legislative Context

The Equality Act 2010 received the royal assent in April 2010 and now forms the basis of equality law in England. It seeks to consolidate and streamline anti-discrimination legislation and to strengthen the law to support progress on equality. It replaces the previous legislation which dealt separately with the protected characteristics. Although there is no requirement under the Equality Act 2010 to produce a SES, Belfairs Academy has chosen to develop and publish this SES as a public declaration of how the Academy will meet the duties placed on it by the Act and to demonstrate good practice in equality and diversity.

The protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are:

• age

• disability

• gender reassignment

• marriage and civil partnership

• pregnancy and maternity

• race

• religion or belief (including lack of belief)

• sex

• sexual orientation

The Act places on the Academy a General Equality Duty to:

• eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act

• advance equality of opportunity between people who share one or more protected characteristics and those who do not

• foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

In addition, the Act places on the Academy Specific Duties to:

• publish information (primarily on its website) to demonstrate how the Academy is complying with the General Equality Duty

• prepare and publish equality objectives